Spirit Gate Wellness has relocated to the light-filled West LA Corinth Gardens as of March 4th. The new office will have the creature comforts we've all become accustomed to, soothing energy from the moment you step in and easy parking. Office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

House calls and on-site IVF clinic support can be arranged by emailing for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or on weekends for an extra fee.

If you are a returning patient but haven’t been seen in 18+ months, please schedule as a new patient to give us ample time to dive into a thorough history and develop a supportive treatment plan.

Virtual offerings are available for fertility guidance, lifestyle medicine, health coaching, herbal or supplement counseling, and acu-point meditation. Please consider scheduling a Telehealth session for support with your spiritual, emotional, and physical health.

Looking forward to seeing you via Telehealth or in-person soon!